Yoga and Ceramics 15-18.8.2024
tis 15 aug.
A four-day retreat bringing together body and soul through deeply restorative yoga-practices and the meditative process of creating with clay.
Time & Location
15 aug. 2023 10.00 – 18 aug. 2023 16.00
Helsingfors, Ridars, 01150 Sibbo, Finland
About The Event
We welcome you to our four-day retreat bringing together body and soul through deeply restorative yoga-practices and the meditative process of creating with clay.
Working with clay enables you to become lost in the making, your mind focusing on the feel of the clay in your hands and on slowly bringing your idea to life. The focus is on the process, not the result. A yoga practice that gently brings you in touch with your self, towards harmony and a let go of stress and demands on yourself will support and interact with this goal.
What both the yoga practice and clay work will give you is also an acceptance of imperfection. Neither an asana nor a piece of ceramics has any measures for perfection. It is only your experience of them that matters.
Clay is wonderfully forgiving, fun – and uncontrollable. Just as life.
During the retreat we will work with sculpting clay, each of us making our own piece expressing anything that has touched us during our first yoga practice. After the retreat the pieces will be bisque fired when dried and sent to you. If you wish to give them a surface other than the, in itself beautiful unglazed one, you will get guidance and ideas of how to treat the surface without glazing. You will also be able to try out different engobes and patterns on your pieces and we will if the weather is suitabe we'll do a small blackfireing the last night.
In the ceramics workshops you will be guided by artisan ceramicist Viviann Seege, in the yoga practice by Tinja de la Chapelle.
Besides being a wonderful, explorative ceramicist, Viviann is working with holistic wellbeing through long experinece of yoga and ayurveda, a knowledge she will bring into the ceramic work and process.
Tinja has a long experience of traditional Shakta yoga. She has studied to yoga-teacher at the Shakta-yoga school in Helsinki and at their ashram Shri Kali Ashram. Tinja is leading yoga groups in Helsinki, Porvoo and Sipoo. Beside her yoga studies Tinja educates herself in holistic wellbeing with focus on traditional Finnish herbal medicine, healing methods and traditional philosophy.
You will have your own space in a private or shared room, either in the main house or in one of the cozy barns in the garden, all with shared bathroom. Our guests have full access to the whole big property with its freshwater pond, flower garden, large terraces, fields, and woods. We will serve you tasty, ecological and locally grown vegetarian food.
The retreat begins on Thursday 10.8 at 17 pm and ends on Sunday 13.8 after noon. The program contains daily yoga-classes, daily ceramic workshop, three meals per day, Saturday sauna and free time to enjoy just being together – or alone.
A detailed program will be mailed to the participants.
Price: including full board
520 € (single room) 500€ (shared room) 480€ (garden shed)
The group will be held quite small so do reserve your spot in time!
For more information and booking, please contact us on